Craft journeys

On these journeys you will meet many local artisans and craftsmen throughout different regions of Romania. Just tell us your interest for any particular craft and we will design a personalised tour for you.

And here is some information about folk art in Romania that will help you deciding of what you want to include in your craft journey.

Popular Art in Romania

As in other East European countries that adopted the Greek Orthodox Church and Byzantine art, the separation between peasant art and that of an aristocratic elite (‘folk’ and ‘urban’ art) occurred in Romania early in the 18th century, and continued into the 19th century.

The peasants created an art form that suited their needs: for themselves: it was rustic and rudimentary, and almost exclusively decorative, but harked back to ancestral traditions. The circumstances most favourable to the creation of rustic art occur in isolated areas, removed from the main arteries of traffic; especially mountainous areas where communications are more difficult than over flat country. Another factor intervenes: that of climate. In the winter, when the fields could not be worked, the peasant had to find something to do. With his knife and his axe, he carved wood or moulded pottery, while the women spun cotton, wove carpets, and embroidered clothes.  

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